Children in Need

Today our School Council decided we would celebrate Children in Need. Pupils and staff made donations to wear non-uniform.

Recount writing!

Barcud Coch have been working hard on a Friday afternoon to complete an extended write! Last week they completed a cold write (no help at all) to recount an investigation they carried out. We then studied recount texts and looked for the features they need. Following on from this, we looked at specific sentence structures and time connective we could use to develop our writing!

Urdd competitors

A massive Da Iawn to the Urdd members that represented the school in the Urdd County Cross-Country and in the regional round of the Cogurdd and Popurdd. Arbennig!

Music with Mr Burrows

On Thursday Aderyn Du had Mr Burrows from John Beddoes Campus come into class to teach them about some music relating to China. They had a go at creating their own music using the glockenspiels.

Measuring Brynny!!

As part of our Mantle, we went over to Brynny to measure the area and perimeter of the field. We used trundle wheels!

Ces i amser da!! = We had a great time!

Chrome Music Lab

We used our digital skills to create our very own music on the iPads. We were all very good at this and loved exploring on the Chrome Music Lab.

Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners last week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!

Spaghetti Rollercoaster building

We have been busy designing our rollercoaster and have now started to build a start for our rollercoaster using spaghetti and marshmallows to hold a piece of track โ€˜rulerโ€™ up. We had a very sticky but fun time and used this practice ready for the big build!