Human Rights Day

Year 6 studied a scene depicting a very busy every-day scene. They had to look for rights being enjoyed, being requested and being denied. We later looked through all of the human rights and had to choose some to diamond rank. Our concluding thoughts were that the type of life someone has lived will affect which human rights they consider to be the most important. They also queried whether soldiers were free… .

The Welsh Whisperer\Y Sibrwd Cymraeg

The Welsh Whisperer visited Dosbarth Hwyaid Bach, Eryr and Jac-y-Do yesterday to compose a Christmas Song of our very own. We worked within our classes in the morning to compose the lyrics for the song and then all came together in the afternoon to perform the song to the rest of the school. The children agreed that our Christmas Song was a hit and we are all very proud of ourselves of how well it went!!

The Welsh Whisperer then let us party alongside him with him playing a selection of his very own songs. We loved this too, and as you can see from the photos, we all had an amazing time!!

Final rollercoaster models

After several weeks of researching, designing and trialing, we finally completed our rollercoaster models to take to Knighton town council!

Human Rights Day

For Human Rights Day, Aderyn Du looked at a picture and discussed what Human Rights we could see. We then looked at the rights of a child and used diamond ranking to discuss what we thought was more important and least important. The children had a lot of discussion and all shared their thoughts and ideas about the different articles.