Year 2 and 3 have been looking at forces and magnets in Science. They carried out an investigation to test the amount of friction on different surfaces.
In our PSHE Jigsaw session we have been looking at resolving conflicts. In groups we identified reasons for conflict and we used positive problem solving techniques to resolve them.
Reception/Year One have been thinking about forgiveness and the need to say sorry. Here, they have drawn pictures to show people damaging our planet, saying sorry, and being forgiven.
We worked hard to follow instructions and create some bots on some new Lego coding kits. We found this hard work ,but great perseverance and problem solving skills were demonstrated!
Children in Years 2 and 3 have started their Eco-Church Project as part of their RVE work. They visited St. Edward’s Church and explored all of the mini-beasts that call the Church grounds their home.