Thursday 11th February 2021

All work will also be uploaded onto Teams for those of you who find it difficult to access from here. Please send your completed work to Mrs Clarke on e mail Thankyou.


This is our final week on coordinates. Today we are looking at how to describe the change in position of a shape from one place to another on a grid. This is called TRANSLATION. We do not change the size or shape of the object only its position.

Look at the power point below and it will explain this in more detail, follow the steps and it will help you to practice the skill. Then when you have done that complete the sheets for your group.

Lesson Presentation Coordinate Translations

Green co ordinate translations 1

Green co ordinate translations 2


Blue co ordinate translations 1

Blue co ordinate translations 2

Red co ordinate translations 1

Red co ordinate translations 2

For those of you who would like a little extra fun challenge using translations follow the steps through the next power point.

CHALLENGE POWERPOINT Co ordinates and translations



Read the slides on the following power point explaining the use of commas. Complete the examples given on the power point slides and then complete your group task sheet. (The ‘Fix my sentence’ tasks referred to in the power point are on your group sheets)

Commas Powerpoint

GREEN IAITH TASK-using commas

BLUE IAITH TASK-using commas

RED IAITH TASK-using commas


Lesson Power point Mighty Muscles

Watch the power point  and video embedded in it to find out about muscles and how they work in your body. Then complete your group task sheet. below.




For the next task you will need scissors, a  paper fastener ( split pin) , some card( an old cereal box, shoe box or any other stiff card will do) and 2 elastic bands. You may need an adult to help you push the holes through the card in the marked places…. take care with this.



Model elbow joint (example)

Make your model by following the attached instructions

Then put it on a piece of paper and label the bones and muscles

Finally write a simple explanation of how the muscles work. ( Green group – Tell your adult how it works).


Week Beginning 8th February

Well done everyone!

I hope you find  the morning check-ins worthwhile. We think they are a wonderful time to catch-up with the children and it gives us an opportunity to introduce the set activities.

Once again, we have included a weekly timetable and most of the lessons have links from this.  You will need to click on the home learning timetable link and then click on the blue links on the timetable.

Iaith and Maths continue to have separate planning.

We are always here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us via email or call the school if you have a query or would like to discuss your child.


Home Learning Timetable 8th February


Mathematics 8th February





Amser Rhigwm Mawr Cymru – The Big Welsh Rhyme Time!

The Big Welsh Rhyme Time is starting on 8th February 2021.

Click on this link to find out more information;

Big Welsh Rhyme Time Information Pack 2021

We have some fantastic brand new rhymes and songs by artists from Wales which can be seen  on the following link; 

Explore the website to find, listen to and sing along with some enjoyable welsh rhymes and songs

There is an option to download a certificate for you to keep, alternatively we have some certificates and stickers in school. For those of you who would like to collect a certificate and sticker, please come to school before Thursday 11th February to collect them. The children who are attending school this week, will receive their sticker and certificate on the day they are in.

Don’t forget to take photographs and videos of your child/children participating and email them to your class teacher or save them in your child’s Hwb files.


Diolch – Thank you and have lots of fun!!

Week 6 Spring Term w/c 8th February 2021

Please find the relevant work for Week 6 below; 



Safer Internet Day;

4) Ages 3-7 Assembly

Safer Internet resources

Knowledge and Understanding;

KUW Monday All about China Powerpoint

KUW Monday China Fact Sheet





Creative Development;

Chinese Alphabet



Maths 100-grid Resource Sheet 134

Maths Monday Year 2 Fraction Cards 1 Resource Sheet 1231

Maths Monday Year 2 Fraction Cards 2 Resource Sheet 1232

Maths Monday Year 2 Fraction Cards 3 Resource Sheet 1233Maths

Wednesday Year 2 and 3 Resource Sheet 1234

Maths Thursday Reception and Year 1 Resource Sheet 562 Number Cards

Maths Thursday Year 1 Resource Sheet 1235

Maths Thursday Year 3 Resource Sheet 1237

Maths Thursday Year 3 Resource Sheet 1238

Thursday Maths Year 2 and Year 3 Resource Sheet 1236


Well being for the week beginning 8th February

There are 2 wellbeing sessions this week.

The first session is on Monday at 11am, this is a live lesson, please see the lesson resources below for this.

Wellbeing activity paper aeroplane

The second session for this week can be completed at any point. We would like you to create an obstacle course. This could be indoors or outdoors with whatever you have laying around, which you have permission to use. Try and have:

Something to go over

Something to go under

Something to go through

Something to dodge round

You could film or take pictures of yourself completing this, try and get your family involved too!

Hope you have some fun with this!

Maths for the week beginning 8th February

Hi everyone. There are only 3 maths sessions this week (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday). There will be an internet safety day on Tuesday so there won’t be maths on that day and Friday is an inset day so no work for you then. Hope you enjoy your four day week and have a lovely half term holiday!

Monday Science maths database interrogation

Maths planning for Wednesday and Thursday

Answers for Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday live lesson types-of-graph-or-chart

Thursday live lesson line graphs