Please complete the questions linked to our P4C stimulus this week and join us if you can for the live P4C session on Friday 26th February at 11.15am!
Welsh activity for w/b 22/02/21
Please go through the powerpoint posted on Teams, (Kim’s game, y corff), and revise the parts of the body in Welsh, then have a go at the game at the end of the powerpoint!
Diolch 🙂
Week Beginning Monday 22nd February
We hope you had a lovely and restful half-term.
Changes to check-ins
Due to the majority of the children being in class, it has been necessary to make some changes to the daily check-ins. We hope you understand.
There will be no check-in on Monday 22nd February. They will resume on Tuesday 23rd February at 9:30 am with Mrs Mortimer. Miss Lowe and Mrs Warner will have a joint check-in every Wednesday at 12:30 pm.
Once again, we have included a weekly timetable and most of the lessons have links from this. You will need to click on the home learning timetable link and then click on the blue links on the timetable.
Iaith and Maths continue to have separate planning.
We are always here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us via email or call the school if you have a query or would like to discuss your child.
Planning 22nd February
Literacy work for w/b 22/02/21
Here is your literacy work for the week- remember that you do not have to complete any work on Monday 22nd February as it is a preparation day.
Reading Comprehension work for w/b 22/02/21
Here is your reading comprehension work for the week- remember you don’t have to do any work on Monday 22nd if you don’t want to as it’s a preparation day!
Dark Blue
Light Blue
Work for Thursday 25 February 2021
Read through the slides on the power point Then complete the 2 task sheets for your group.
GREEN and BLUE Task sheet 2 Reading Scales
Red Maths task sheet 2 Reading Scales
Read through the slides and complete the tasks on the power point a bout Fronted Adverbials. Then complete your task sheet below.
Green Iaith task fronted adverbials
Blue Iaith task fronted adverbials
Red Iaith task fronted adverbials
Work through the power point and when each new task is set, use the labelled sheet from below that goes with it. Make sure you use the sheet for your group.
Bacteria and viruses Power point
Task 2 GREEN and BLUE SCIENCE information sheet
Task 2 RED SCIENCE information sheet
Task 3 – Clip questions All groups
Handwashing cards to reorder ALL GROUPS
Hard copies of school policies, signed by our Chair of Governors, are available to be viewed in the school office.
Acceptable Use Policy for Parents & Carers
Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils
Accessibility Plan 2018-2021 (Updated 2018)
Admissions Policy – Updated November 2021
Attendance Policy – Updated December 2021
Data collection on school attendance (Updated September 2020)
Data Protection Policy – Updated March 2022
Freedom of Information Policy March 2022
GDPR Privacy Notice (September 2020)
Grievance Procedure – All Staff – Updated December 2021
Inclusion and ALN policy spring 2020
Intimate Care Policy – Updated December 2021
Positive Behaviour Policy – Updated November 2021
Privacy Notice – September Data Collection from schools
Prospectus (Agreed January 2021)
Request to Administer Medication in School
School Motto – Caru Duw (Welsh)
School Motto – Love of God (English)
PE in school- our slightly muddy obstacle race!
We enjoyed creating our obstacle course up on the field for the PE this week!
We would like you to have a go at writing a paragraph in Welsh about yourself please! There are sheets attached (see below) to support you, but please do not use google translate! Just try your best and send us your work via email or Teams by Friday 12th February please. Diolch 🙂
Safety Internet Training for Parents / Carers
As part of Safer Internet Day on the 9th of February 2021, WISE KIDS is hosting 2 online interactive workshops which will also feature guest panellists. These workshops will explore how we assess online content and interactions, and the knowledge, digital literacy and resilience we need so we don’t get tricked online.
So come along, to learn more!·
Workshop 2 (5.30pm-6.45pm) is for adults (parents/carers/professionals) who must complete this registration form. workshop will be facilitated by Dr Sangeet Bhullar from WISE KIDS and will also feature guest panellist Dr Huw Davies (Lecturer in Digital Education at Edinburgh university), Mrs Josephine Farag from Cardiff High School, Mrs Julia Willis and Miss Ceri John from Cross Ash Primary, Mrs Becki Bawler from Risca Comprehensive School, Ms Sian Northey from the Parent Network, Mr Dayle Luce from Cardiff Youth Service and Ms Parven Kaur from Kids n Clicks.