Well being Week

The children enjoyed a fantastic week of additional well-being activities with Miss Sally.  They developed their cutting skills by creating beautiful caterpillars and collages of habitats; exercised by gardening, doing yoga, playing dodgeball and going on the bikes.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Eco action plan 2020/21






Activities & tasks


Who, where, how, when

Cost Monitoring:

Evidence collection


Of effectiveness

Healthy Living


To increase the number of fruit/vegetable portions in lunchboxes

To reduce the number of ‘high salt/sugar/fat’ items in lunchboxes



Stickers for healthy lunchboxes based on eat-well-plate…Healthy Schools Council to promote and award.

Share photos of healthy lunchboxes on the school website to share good ideas

Healthy Schools Council Stickers Posters to promote

Facebook posts

Photos to celebrate




School grounds

See action plan of Growing council





Global Citizenships


To learn about another culture



Learn about another country through topic- Indian Summer


Year 1/2- links to Palestine; communicating with children in school there. Song- Rights of the Child.

Key Stage 2- during lessons



Led by JM

NA Through Thema books and any other work created through topic



Healthy lunches - Cinio Iach

One of our eco-council targets this year is:

To increase the number of fruit/vegetable portions in lunchboxes

To reduce the number of ‘high salt/sugar/fat’ items in lunchboxes


We will be taking photos of healthy items in lunchboxes to help share good ideas!

Mefus a melon


Even better- they were in re-useable pots!

Bug Hotels

The butterfly from the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ was very impressed with our investigation skills from last week. He really liked our idea of making bug hotels for the minibeasts to live safely in, in our outdoor area.

We are very excited to see what minibeasts decide to live in our bug hotels.

Look at our amazing Bug Hotels…..

Researching Global Warming

We have been investigating what happens to our planet’s polar icecaps as the ozone layer gets thicker.


Can you talk about the conclusion of this investigation with your family?

Bug Hotels

We have been learning about the habitats of different minibeasts and finding out where different minibeasts like to live. We then went out onto the field and made bug hotels using boxes, tubes and natural materials.

Butterfly Life-Cycle Dances

We have enjoyed the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar and have been learning how caterpillars change into butterflies. We created dances to show the life-cycle at each stage.

Minibeast Hunt

We put our exploring hats on and went on a minibeast hunt in our quad and school field. We found out where different minibeasts live and enjoyed exploring their micro-habitats.


We love spending time with the chicks. We are very gentle and quiet when they are out in our classroom,