Green fingers!

Take a look at our cottage garden. The children enjoy looking after their plants. Hopefully, We will have lots of vegetables soon.

Assessment time and a new arrival!

The children in Aderyn Du have been working hard this week completing assessments!  Well done everyone for doing their very best.

Luckily we have also been able to enjoy the arrival of Wellington to our class, a friend for Spike.  They are getting on very well now, despite Spike being a little scared of Wellington at first!

Hotseating-A Beautiful Butterfly

This week we have been using our drama skills to take on the role of the butterfly from ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar.’  The children thought of great questions to ask the butterfly and when in role as the butterfly, answered as that character. They did an amazing job!


Our Y5 Bronze Sports Ambassadors took part in an online ‘Including Everyone’ Teams training session last half term.  This training looked at inclusion within sport and why it is so important for everyone to be able to participate in sports within school and outside of school.

Meet Spike- the new member of Aderyn Du!

The children in Aderyn Du asked if they could hatch some chicks or ducklings like the children in Reception did last term and Spike is our first duckling!  Spike has settled in very well and enjoys the classroom being busy, he loves company and the children love him!

Releasing the Butterflies!!

Today, we released our four beautiful butterflies. As we have looked after them so well, they didn’t want to leave us, but soon flew away. We are going to use our good looking eyes to see if we can find them flying around the Quad tomorrow.

Take a look on our Foundation Phase facebook page to see the videos.



This term the children have been learning about plants. We have planted lots of flowers and vegetables. Look at how they have grown!

Dina came to visit us!

Today, we were very lucky to have a visit from Dina. She is a headteacher from a school called Dina School. She was very impressed with how well we all behaved and asked Miss Davies to give us all a sticker!

One of her pupils called Wally is coming to visit us next week and we are very excited!