We thoroughly enjoyed our walk to the library last week. We listened carefully to Mrs Morris read us ‘Handa’s Surprise’ as part of our work on human rights. After the story, we were treated to a drink and a snack in the Community Centre
Beanstalk Building!
According to the World Health Organisation 2/3’s of the World’s children do not have enough food to eat. 1/3 of the World’s Children either has enough food or too much food to eat.
We discussed our favourite foods and drew them onto paper plates. Mrs Fielding had put a cloth on the table and explained that only 1/3 of the children were going to eat their feast at the table. The remaining 2/3’s of children would eat a bowl of rice.
The children picked either a meal ticket or rice ticket from a lucky dip
We discussed that there should be enough food in the world for everyone. However, just in this feast, the world’s food is not fairly shared and we tried to imagine how the children who only had a few grains of rice would feel.
Human Rights Activity linked to Harvest and Fair Trade
Welsh Artist Study
As part of our work on castles, we have been studying the work of Welsh artist Kyffin Williams. We used his ‘Caernarfon Castle, Cennen Carreg and Conwy Castle’ artwork to create our own versions.
Harvest Festival
On Wednesday 7th October we celebrated our School Harvest Festival. We had a virtual whole school assembly led by Rev. Petra and Bob. We shared and celebrated some of the work that we have been busy working on for Harvest. Here are some of our harvest prayers.
We also produced artwork showing some of the fruit and vegetables that we are grateful for.
Labelling the Beanstalk
Celebrating Sukkot
The children have been investigating the Jewish festival of Sukkot. As part of the festival they found out that as part of the celebration Jewish people build sukkahs or temporary shelters. Here are some of the sukkahs that the children made using a variety of resources.
Performing songs and rhyme
The children have been busy in their mantle groups performing a range of Jack and the beanstalk themed songs and rhymes.
Paul Klee Artwork
Children have enjoyed looking at the work of
artist Paul Klee. They used their Welsh language skills to describe the colours and shapes they used in their own interpretations of ‘Castles in the Sun’