Role Play

In Welsh, we have been learning the names of different sea creatures. In pairs, we chose different sea creatures and asked and answered each other questions in role.

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations!

What a fantastic day we have had celebrating the Jubilee! We have made crowns, had a delicious lunch outside and our favourite thing of all, a visit from the ice cream van!

Week 16th May

We had a baptism for baby Rosie
Reverend Petra with the help of Bob the mollusc took the ceremony. Here are the proud parents with baby Rosie
We have really enjoyed building this week.
We designed our own crazy golf course
We made tall buildings as well
After our snack we take it in turns to compost our leftovers
We had a dance session with some of the older children
We worked with the older children in pairs to make up our own dance moves.

Sweetshop Dance Workshop

Children from the Children’s Centre and Dosbarth Gwennol enjoyed working with Sweetshop Dance Workshop to create their own Superhero inspired dance.

Resolving Conflicts

As part of our PSHE work on relationships, we identified some things that may cause conflict between friends. We then demonstrated through role play how to use positive problem solving techniques to resolve these conflicts.

Floating and Sinking

We followed instructions in Welsh to make our own paper boats. We floated the boats and estimated how many unifix blocks it would take to sink the boat. We recorded our results on a table.