
As part of Jigsaw this week the children were discussing jobs and professions and ranked them in order of what they thought were the most important.
We also discussed salaries and played a game of guess the profession charades.

Making up stories!

Today we were visited by Peter Duncan who worked with the children to create a shared story. When the children arrived back into the classroom after break they were greeted by a tunnel and a letter. They investigated the area and read the letter. The letter contained identity tags and a letter. The children concluded that the letter and the identity tags must have been from an evacuee. So they decided to go through the tunnel and step back in time to 1939. They were all transported back to Knighton Train Station when a train of evacuees were arriving from Liverpool. They were met by Mr Thompson who was a busy man trying to arrange host families for the evacuees to stay with. Luckily, the children had time to interview Mr Thompson before they returned back to 2023….just in time for lunch!

Jigsaw with Mrs Rimmer

The children had the pleasure of Mrs Rimmer leading their PSHE Jigsaw session on Wednesday. The aim of the session was to show pupils that working with others helps us to learn. So, Mrs Rimmer set them a variety of challenges to work on in a group or with their partner. Some of the challenges included learning the Macarena dance, counting in 2’s in French, learning ‘the owl and the pussycat’ and counting to ten in Mandarin. I was really proud of how the children rose to the challenges and achieved their goals together.


We have enjoyed researching about the war and evacuees! The children are very interested and eager to learn more.

Sports Club for R/1.

Isaac and Esme, who are Bronze Sports Ambassadors, have set up a sports club at lunch time for the other classes. Todayโ€™s class was with Reception and Year 1. Da iawn Isaac and Esme!