Cross Country Certificates!

We have finally received our cross country certificates. The children in Year 3 did so well, all getting a participation certificate, and the boys won 1st place in the teams, and got a medal. Da iawn pawb!

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Maths Enrichment Day

Children enjoyed a variety of problem solving activities this afternoon where they were able to use and apply their mathematical knowledge.

Forest School

Children have enjoyed building and fire lighting.

Forest School

The children have been fantastic using tools to make wooden necklaces.

Rainforest Artwork

We have studied Rainforest artwork by artist John Dyer. We discovered that he uses bright colours to paint the Amazon Rainforest. We have painted our own rainforests in the style of John Dyer.

Home-made charcoal!

We couldnโ€™t believe how easy it was to make charcoal! We were keen to get drawing with it the next day!

Forest School - fires!

Toni and Hels from Branching Out visited us again, this time we were lighting fires. All children showed great perseverance in trying to get the fires started. Despite it being June we all appreciated the warmth from the fires and even more than that, we loved the toasted marshmallows! We also made our own charcoal which we are excited to create some art work with!

Wind Chimes Using Recycled Objects

The children have used unwanted metal objects to create their amazing wind chimes.

They investigated the sound that different instruments make. Then thoughtfully arranged the recycled objects so that they would knock against each other and make relaxing and enjoyable sounds.

Urdd Craft competition

A massive well done to the Urdd members that participated in this years craft competition. Here are their final products that were taken to the regional round ready for judging.