
We are learning how to describe our families in Welsh. This week, Year One, have used their reading skills to create sentences to state how many brothers and sisters they have.

Leaf Rubbings

The children have been focusing on the work of Henri Rousseau and have created some wonderful leaf rubbings.

Mantle of the Expert training!

We were visited by Tim Taylor who delivers training for Mantle of the Expert, which is the pedagogical approach we use to deliver our curriculum. The staff enjoyed our session as much as the pupils.
Tim stepped into the role of someone who works in the local Welsh government, proposing to build a plot of 500 houses on the outskirts of Knighton. Pupils took on the role of an environmental protection team and they used their learning from this term to put forward their opinions and asked challenging questions.
Tim was really impressed with their contributions, concerns were raised appropriately and they were well-considered.

PC Ainsworth

Today we were visited by PC Ainsworth who spoke to us about drugs. We considered the different types of drugs … medicines, legal and illegal. We then discussed the dangers of drugs. This is a really important conversation to have and would be worth following up at home.