P4C -Philosophy for Children

Would you rather, have dinner with a witch or a frog for dinner?

We discussed this question in great length and then took a vote. You will see from the photo that nearly all pupils chose to have dinner with a witch, mainly because frogs are too slimy!!

Giglets Story Telling

We listen to a live streaming of a story called ‘What do Monsters Munch?’ We joined in with the actions and even got 4 of our ideas read out by the presenter!

After the reading we were told about a competition to win a Giglets class box with helpful reading prizes in. If anyone would like to enter this competition you need to design a monster cake. This could be a drawing, painting or 3D model (Lego or junk modelling possibly?). If you do want to do this please bring in your entry of the Monday after half term. Happy creating!

Science games

We used our learning about human systems to create boards games. This was a lot of fun!


We had a lot of fun at Zumba on Wednesday. Thank you Tania!

Music with Mr. Burrows

We have enjoyed having Mr. Burrows coming in to teach us some music and helping us to create our own musical pieces. We learnt all about programmatic music and were shown how to create our own musical pieces with the theme of ‘A journey through space’. After learning how to play different instruments and keeping to beat and rhythm, we designed our own journey through space pieces and performed them to the class!

Netball tournament

Pupils in year 5/6 competed in the cluster Netball tournament. Everyone enjoyed learning all about the game and showed great sportsmanship and teamwork through the tournament.

Pumpkin carving

We enjoyed carving pumpkins for our special well-being activity today. Next year, we are going to try and grow our own from the seeds.

Literacy Enrichment

For literacy enrichment day, we looked at ly and simile sentences then used these to write some poetry about autumn. In the afternoon, we then created artwork to accompany our poems. We really enjoyed our day.

Five Ways to Well-being

Gail from In Reach CAMHS came in to see us to talk about well-being. We learnt that the 5 ways to well-being are: Keep learning, connect, take notice, give and be active. We then created posters to share ideas of how we might do this.