Tocyn Cymraeg

Well done to our Welsh badge winners this week! They have been earning lots of Tocyn Cymraeg for speaking Welsh in class and around the school. Gwaith Gwych!!

Urdd Craft competition

A massive well done to the Urdd members that participated in this years craft competition. Here are their final products that were taken to the regional round ready for judging.

Dathliad Cymraeg/St David's Day Celebrations

Well done to all our Dathliad Cymraeg competition winners. We celebrated their efforts in a special assembly where we were also joined by one woman band Mrs Judith Phillips, who taught us ‘A Lan Y Mor.’

Menter iaith- The history of Wales

Diolch yn fawr i Gruff from Menter iaith for coming in and teaching year 5/6 more about the key historical events of Wales. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning more about their country and enjoyed creating their timeline shields.

Parti Pen-blwydd 100 yr Urdd

We have had lots of fun this morning celebrating Mistar Urdd’s pen-blwydd!!
Take a look on your child’s hwb account, shared files, Knighton-CIW-School, Hei Mr Urdd to see the amazing videos.