A place of Sanctuary

During Assembly on Monday we celebrated being appraised as a School of Sanctuary. Members of the appraisal team commented “It was such a pleasure to spend time with your pupils and hear about their learning. They are an absolute credit to you and clearly demonstrate what a warm and welcoming place Knighton School is”. They also added “Pupil voice in school is clearly very well embedded through your variety of councils and they feel empowered to make changes.” We are all very proud.

The importance of handwashing by the School Nurse

We had Sara, the school nurse join us this afternoon to teach us the importance of washing our hands. We learned a song and tested our hands under a special light to see if we had any germs on them. After this, we used the song we had learned from Sara to wash our hands properly and tested them again under the special light. We were all amazed at how well we washed our hands as most of the germs had disappeared.

Children in Need

Today our School Council decided we would celebrate Children in Need. Pupils and staff made donations to wear non-uniform.


We held our first meeting of the year today and discussed what we wanted to improve about our school, how we could raise money for resources that we would like and which charity we wanted to support.  We chose the RNLI because a local company (Clayton Engineering), where some of our parents work, make the lifeboats that are then sent out and used all over the UK by the RNLI volunteers to rescue people.

We also voted for our new Chair and Vice Chair of School Council:-

Annie, supported by George, will take the position of Chair

Honey, supported by Frankie, will take the position of Vice Chair

Well done everyone for a very productive meeting!  Our first event will be next Friday 27th September when we will be hosting a cake sale at break time to raise money for the RNLI!

Outdoor Projects 2024!

We are improving our outdoor provision and are very excited to see how the ‘quad’ area and area outside our specialist centre are being transformed! We will keep you updated on progress over the next few weeks!

UK Parliament Assembly

We were visited by Claire Dare this afternoon. She came in to tell us about how parliament works and we even had a go at passing a law of our own! It was great fun and we were able to learn a lot.