Bird Feeders

Digital Camera
Digital Camera

The children have enjoyed following instructions carefully to make their own bird feeders.

Parti Pen-blwydd 100 yr Urdd

We have had lots of fun this morning celebrating Mistar Urdd’s pen-blwydd!!
Take a look on your child’s hwb account, shared files, Knighton-CIW-School, Hei Mr Urdd to see the amazing videos.

Our Eco Tree!

Mr and Mrs Watts have been busy preparing a tree to be displayed at St. Edward’s Church during the festive period.

Each class in school have created two baubles to decorate the tree.  The baubles are linked to our School’s Core Christian Values and they are made using recyclable materials.

Maths Enrichment Day with an Eco focus!

We worked in Mantle groups to come up with ideas for selling items on a stall at a Victorian Fayre, with a focus on eco-friendly products and an awareness of carbon footprints!  We tried to make sure that our products were locally sourced and that we used recycled materials where possible.  We had to try and make a profit!  We calculated the cost of rent, wages, materials and advertising amongst other things and then took these costs away from our total of items that would need to be sold to see whether we had made a profit or loss!

Maths Enrichment Day


Our Maths enrichment Day today had an Eco theme.  Our day started with a litter pick around the school grounds.


We then used HWB to record the data from the litter pick.

Our next activity involved us sorting recyclable materials is a variety of ways.

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Library Visit

We thoroughly enjoyed our walk to the library last week.  We listened carefully to Mrs Morris read us ‘Handa’s Surprise’ as part of our work on human rights.  After the story, we were treated to a drink and a snack in the Community Centre



According to the World Health Organisation 2/3’s of the World’s children do not have enough food to eat. 1/3 of the World’s Children either has enough food or too much food to eat.

We discussed our favourite foods and drew them onto paper plates.  Mrs Fielding had put a cloth on the table and explained that only 1/3 of the children were going to eat their feast at the table.  The remaining 2/3’s of children would eat a bowl of rice.

The children picked either a meal ticket or rice ticket from a lucky dip

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

We discussed that there should be enough food in the world for everyone.  However, just in this feast, the world’s food is not fairly shared and we tried to imagine how the children who only had a few grains of rice would feel.

Human Rights Activity linked to Harvest and Fair Trade

Mrs Fielding bought some oranges into school.  We tasted the oranges and investigated where they came from.  We found out from the label that they were from Brazil.  We found Brazil on the globe and we found out that it had a tropical climate.

We then talked about who had been involved in all of the stages from the orange being farmed in Brazil to it being segmented and us eating it in Knighton.

We sequenced these stages in chronological order.

We mimed each of the stages of production with our partner.

We then talked about how important it is for each person involved in the growing, harvesting, production, transportation of the orange deserve to be treated fairly and how important ‘Fair Trade’ is.