Urdd competitors

A massive Da Iawn to the Urdd members that represented the school in the Urdd County Cross-Country and in the regional round of the Cogurdd and Popurdd. Arbennig!

Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners last week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!

Big Questions with Mr Meredith (Diocesan Director of Education) RVE 07/11/24

We worked with Mr Meredith, looking at a piece of art work by Romola Parish, called ‘Wilderness’

We discussed how the image made us feel and then tried to answer the following questions:-

Where are you standing in relation to the picture? Are you in it, or an observer, watching what is going on?

Which do you relate to- the bird or the sheep? Can you think why you feel more like one, or less like the other?

Earthquake simulator

We wanted to establish which shape base was the strongest for skyscrapers. We decided to build models of skyscrapers using LEGO and K’nex and then use LEGO We Do to create an earthquake simulator. We placed the models on the simulator to test how robust they were. Unfortunately the models were either too heavy for the simulator to move or too tall to stand upright on the simulator! We tried it on the table and carpet in the hope that the amount of friction would help, it didn’t. One of our class members thought to attach a LEGO plate as a base for the models to stand on, this didn’t work either!

Pa fath o berson ydych chi?

What kind of person are you? What about your friend?
Caredig-kind. Siaradus-chatty.

Mae hi’n berson caredig. Dydy hi ddim yn berson siaradus.

Cluster Digital Morning at John Beddoes

Thank you to our Year Six representatives that visited John Beddoes to demonstrate how to use the drones from our cluster coding kit, while learning how to use the other pieces of coding equipment. You were stars!


Now that the skyscrapers have been built and organised appropriately, we have been practising the drones and taking a tour around the world. Some skyscrapers have been knocked down in the process, and drones have become stuck in many places!
We are looking forward to working with other schools in the cluster to help them better understand how to use drones, and we are looking forward to being shown how to use other digital kits.

Croeso i deulu!

Today it was our class assembly. The pupils presented their learning as if they were travel agents and presented information about different skyscrapers from all over the world. After the assembly we welcomed families into our classroom to share more of our work from the term.

Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners this week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!

Drones and skyscrapers

We are working on a small project to show other pupils in our cluster how to use drones. The pupils have decided to build models of skyscrapers, they will then put them out on a ‘map of the world’ and go on a ‘tour’ of the skyscrapers around the world, using the drones.