Our school ducks, Spike and Wellington, are enjoying their holidays- swimming in the river and plenty of food!
Y6 Leavers' service 2021
The children received their bibles and enjoyed a lovely farewell service, given by Rev. Petra and John Meredith, not forgetting ‘Bob’ the snail!
Oakerwood photos 2021
Oakerwood 2021
Oaker Wood
Cross Country
Year 5 verses year 6 rounders match
Sports Day Fun!
Debate Time!
Today we had a debate. The motion: I propose to build the space hubs to gather intel from other planets and our own. The proposers gave a strong case for this to happen. The opposers gave a passionate speech why this should not happen. The other speakers shared their ideas and opinions and asked pressing questions. When our speaker ‘Opened to the floor’ the audience also asked some interesting questions and shared their ideas too. This was a great debate about an interesting topic.