UK Parliament Assembly

We were visited by Claire Dare this afternoon. She came in to tell us about how parliament works and we even had a go at passing a law of our own! It was great fun and we were able to learn a lot.

Sports Council Club!

Children in Year 2 and 3 were really excited to be chosen by our Sports Council Ambassadors to be involved in their lunchtime sports club. They enjoyed a range of games aimed at improving their balance and co-ordination.

Jiving with Emily George!

We have been Learning to Jive with Emily George.  We listened carefully to Glen Miller’s ‘In the Mood’ and we created our own ‘Jive’ moves to accompany it.

Evacuation Rap

In groups, we have been learning the ‘Evacuation Rap’.

I wanna tell you a story about evacuation

I found myself at Knighton station.

Dressed in my best with my coat and tag

And a few little essentials in my bag.

We arrived at the station hungry and tired

My head was buzzing I felt I was wired

We all lined up and went down the lane

And that’s when my heart began to cry in pain,

I didn’t want to go and leave my mum,

I wish that this war could soon be won

A new home and family lay ahead

And here is the day that I now dread.

Would they treat me nice

Would they be so kind

Will it be tidy

Guess I really don’t mind

Parent/Carer Questionnaire feedback Spring 2023

Thank you to everyone that completed the parent/carer questionnaire that was sent out at the beginning of the term. We very much value your feedback- thank you for all the positive comments that have been provided and for those comments that will help us to make our school environment and culture even better for all stakeholders.

QuestionVery PoorPoorOkayGoodVery Good
How good is our school at making your child feel happy and safe?1% (1)0%3% (3)22% (20)73% (66)
How good is our school at helping your child with their learning; providing sufficient support and challenge to help them do well?0%0%  4% (4)38% (34)58% (52)
How good is our school at encouraging your child to be healthy and to take regular exercise? *1 no answer0%0%6% (5)28% (25)66% (59)
How good is our school at providing ways of helping you communicate with staff?0%1% (1)11% (10)  30% (27)58% (52)
How good is our school at helping to develop wellbeing and positive behaviour in your class? *1 no answer0%0%4% (4)29% (26)66% (59)
How good is our school at developing values and attitudes that have a positive impact on your child’s learning? *1 no answer0%0%7% (6)26% (23)67% (60)

SPRING 2023 (90 parent/carer questionnaires returned)


We have enjoyed researching about the war and evacuees! The children are very interested and eager to learn more.


We are really enjoying our expressive arts sessions with Mrs Phillips. We are currently learning three songs in relation to our theme of journeys.

Evacuees arrive in Knighton!

Children in Jac-Y-Do and Gwennol met Daisy at the train station in Knighton.  Daisy was an evacuee and she had just arrived in Knighton from Liverpool.  She had been sent to Knighton during World War 2 to keep her safe from the German bombing in Liverpool.

The children will be studying the theme of the journeys made by evacuees to Knighton during World War 2 through the Mantle of the Expert approach to the new curriculum.

Miss Rees and Mrs Fielding would be very interested in hearing from you if you have any information regarding evacuees during World War 2. Their email addresses are:

Mrs Fielding –

Miss Rees –


Christmas Fayre/Ffair Nadolig

What a wonderful Christmas Fayre! Well done to all our wonderful pupils for creating such beautiful items to sell and thank you to to everyone that supported the sale. Merry Christmas!


The children have also been finding out about Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Light.  They enjoyed using their reading skills to read and follow instructions to make Diwali decorations. Ethical Informed Citizens