Year 2 children enjoying their Tric a Chlic reading.
Leaf Classification
We spent the afternoon outdoor learning. We went for a walk and in our groups we carefully picked a selection of interesting leaves. We used our classification sheet to identify the leaves.
When we came back inside, we created some beautiful pieces of artwork by painting our leaves and printing with them.
Butterfly Symmetry!
The children enjoyed using their reading skills to follow instructions of how to make a symmetrical butterfly. They chose the shapes that they were going to use and cut them out carefully.
Well being Week
The children enjoyed a fantastic week of additional well-being activities with Miss Sally. They developed their cutting skills by creating beautiful caterpillars and collages of habitats; exercised by gardening, doing yoga, playing dodgeball and going on the bikes.
Butterfly Dancing
The children researched the lifecycle of a butterfly and in their groups created a dance to depict the life cycle.
We're going on a minibeast hunt......
We had a fantastic afternoon going on a mini-beast hunt. We thought carefully about the different mini beasts that we may be lucky to find on the school field and all of the micro-habitats that they may live in.
The children have enjoyed finding out about the festival of Ramadan and why it is so important in the Islamic faith.
Summer Term Planning
This week we have been visited by Colin the Caterpillar. He was very sad as his friend had told him that he wasn’t always going to be a caterpillar.
As the children were familiar with the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ they were able to reassure Colin that he would become a beautiful butterfly.
Colin asked the children if they could create symmetrical portraits of what he may look like when he becomes a butterfly. Here are some of the butterfly paintings…..
This challenge acted as a fantastic stimulus to help the children mind map their ideas for what they want to learn in the Summer term for our topic ‘Amazing Animals’
Looking after our planet
Children in Year 1 and 2 have been busy finding out about recyclable materials and sorting them.
St. David's Day
On Monday 1st March we celebrated St. David’s Day. We dressed in national colours and costumes and we enjoyed a range of activities.
We played yard games outside, such as ‘cath, cath, ci’ and ‘Mae Siemon yn dweud’
We made St David’s Day cards to send to members of our family.
We completed activities on Hwb and some mindfulness activities relating to St. David’s Day.