
Some of our pupils have been working on Celf a Chrefft entries for the Urdd Eisteddfod. Cutting, plaiting, threading and sewing skills have all been developed.

Gemau Iard

Today Mrs Cornelius came in to help Criw Cymraeg teach the rest of the school some yard games, in Welsh! Roedd e’n hwyl. It was fun!

Gemau Cymraeg\Welsh Games

Diolch am Criw Cymraeg a Mrs Cornelius for teaching us some Welsh yard games where we can practise our Welsh and have fun outside.

Forest School

The children worked really hard today in their forest school session; they worked as a team to collect everything that they needed to build our fire and they enjoyed a ‘healthy’ treat to round off the afternoon. Da iawn pawb!

Forest School

In today’s session we thought very carefully about ‘cynefin’ and our sense of belonging and some of the children decided to create a range of bug hotels for our local wildlife to seek sanctuary.

Dathliad Cymraeg

Today we celebrated Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant and all of the activities we completed on Wednesday. Each class performed a song. Prizes were awarded for biscuit decorating, handwriting and designing t-shirts. Roedd e’n hwyl.

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!

As part of our Eisteddfod, we enjoyed a ’round robin’ of activities. Here are some of the children creating 2-d and 3d artwork using natural resources capturing our ‘cynefin’.