Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!

As part of our Eisteddfod, we enjoyed a ’round robin’ of activities. Here are some of the children creating 2-d and 3d artwork using natural resources capturing our ‘cynefin’.

Forest School

We had a super Forest School session yesterday. Pupils were invited to build shelters and they really developed their problem solving and team building skills. Da iawn Pawb!

Forest School

We have had a fabulous Forest School session today focusing on team building. Da iawn Pawb!

Outdoor Learning!

We took our digital coding skills outdoors and created a maze/track for our classmates to use coding instructions and lead each other around the maze with their eyes closed! We used instructions like, ‘turn 90degrees right’ ‘take 3 small steps forward’. We looked at the importance of detailed instructions.

Cwis Dim Clem

Today we took part in the Cwis Dim Clem. We were the third of 27 schools to take part. We will have to wait to find out if we have got through to the next round.

We had 2 winning teams. If our score of 30/40 is high enough, 4 out 5 of them will represent Knighton in the next round!

Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners last week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!