
We loved using the musical instruments to add music to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We discussed the different elements of the music needed and created these elements with the percussion instruments!

Cogurdd 2023

Urdd members in year 5/6 were given the opportunity to compete in the school round of this years Cogurdd competition, with the task being to create a salad of their choice in 45 minutes. 14 members participated this year and all really enjoyed the challenge of making their own salads using many different skills in the process. Mrs. Layton had the difficult task of blind judging the top 3, with the winner going through to represent Knighton at the regional round. Llongyfarchiadau/Congratulations to Beatrice Cadwallader on winning the school round!

Celebrating Difference

The class have worked brilliantly within this Jigsaw unit of Celebrating Difference. It started with โ€˜Am I normal?โ€™โ€ฆthe whole class agreed, it is normal to be different. They could list all the ways in which we can be different, and recognised that these differences also create connections because some of these things we will have in common with others.
We have thought about the different types of bullying (direct and indirect) and what to do about it.


Today we worked with Tania to stretch and move our bodies. We learned some dances from Columbia whilst also learning where it is in the world, about its map and a little bit about their culture! We have some serious movers in our school!

P4C -Philosophy for Children

Would you rather, have dinner with a witch or a frog for dinner?

We discussed this question in great length and then took a vote. You will see from the photo that nearly all pupils chose to have dinner with a witch, mainly because frogs are too slimy!!


We had a lot of fun at Zumba on Wednesday. Thank you Tania!

Netball tournament

Pupils in year 5/6 competed in the cluster Netball tournament. Everyone enjoyed learning all about the game and showed great sportsmanship and teamwork through the tournament.

Pumpkin carving

We enjoyed carving pumpkins for our special well-being activity today. Next year, we are going to try and grow our own from the seeds.