Safer Internet Day 2023!

Year 2 / Dosbarth Gwennol

We celebrated Safer Internet Day by all attending a special assembly led by Mrs Blower. She explained to us the importance of talking about what we do online in order to stay safe.


We identified and gave examples of personal details.  We discussed and sorted details that should be kept private and offline and details that are safe to share online. 


We discussed who we could trust if something happened that made us feel sad, worried, uncomfortable or frightened online. We drew pictures of our trusted adults.

We described how we should behave online and in pairs we wrote recipes to help create a kinder internet


Sports Council Club!

Children in Year 2 and 3 were really excited to be chosen by our Sports Council Ambassadors to be involved in their lunchtime sports club. They enjoyed a range of games aimed at improving their balance and co-ordination.

Jiving with Emily George!

We have been Learning to Jive with Emily George.  We listened carefully to Glen Miller’s ‘In the Mood’ and we created our own ‘Jive’ moves to accompany it.

Jigsaw with Mrs Rimmer

The children had the pleasure of Mrs Rimmer leading their PSHE Jigsaw session on Wednesday. The aim of the session was to show pupils that working with others helps us to learn. So, Mrs Rimmer set them a variety of challenges to work on in a group or with their partner. Some of the challenges included learning the Macarena dance, counting in 2’s in French, learning ‘the owl and the pussycat’ and counting to ten in Mandarin. I was really proud of how the children rose to the challenges and achieved their goals together.


Over the last 6 weeks children have been involved in the Powys County Council Kerbcraft scheme that teaches children road safety skills. Thank you to all of our volunteers that helped to support the scheme to help to keep our children safe.

Circus Skills

We loved welcoming Peter and Sharon back to our school to work with children on their physical literacy. The children improved their hand-eye co-ordination, concentration, throwing and catching skills and ambidexterity whilst developing their confidence, self-esteem and perseverance skills.