Forest School

In today’s session we thought very carefully about ‘cynefin’ and our sense of belonging and some of the children decided to create a range of bug hotels for our local wildlife to seek sanctuary.

Dathliad Cymraeg

Today we celebrated Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant and all of the activities we completed on Wednesday. Each class performed a song. Prizes were awarded for biscuit decorating, handwriting and designing t-shirts. Roedd e’n hwyl.

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!

As part of our Eisteddfod, we enjoyed a ’round robin’ of activities. Here are some of the children creating 2-d and 3d artwork using natural resources capturing our ‘cynefin’.

World Book Day 2025

What a fantastic time we had celebrating World Book Day. We took part in a book walk and role-played the story of the ‘Gruffalo’, had a book picnic outside while eating our snacks and had a Gruffalo treasure hunt in the quad.

Circus Skills with Peter Duncan

We enjoyed a super Circus Skills session yesterday with Peter – great development of fine and gross motor skills, thinking and problems solving skills. Well done to all of of our resilient learners who persevered and kept trying! Da iawn!

Goodlands and Badlands

We have worked with Sharon Ginnis (Story Teller) to create our story about ‘Good Lands and Bad Lands’

In our story there is a Good Land where everyone is happy and it is a pleasant place to live. There is also a Bad Land. A wall separates the Good Land and the Bad Land. No one from Good Land has ever been to Bad Land. Bad Land is dark with smoke billowing from it.

A resident from Bad Land came to the Good Land and explained that the smoke was from a volcano and that lots of residents of Bad Lands would need shelter. So the Good Land residents decided that they would take a vote and think of some rules that they could put in place to ensure that everyone was happy and safe.

To be continued……

Caerdydd 2025!

Year 6 enjoyed a busy 3 days exploring Cardiff and some surrounding areas. We learned about some of the history of Wales, about our parliament and had some fun down on the bay too! Diolch to all of our hosts and to our Friends of School and The Blakemore Foundation who both made contributions towards our school trip.

Safer Internet day 2025

Protecting Yourself and Others from Scams Online

Today, the school E-safety Committee, along with Mrs Blower, led an assembly to introduce Internet Safety day. The focus is protecting yourself and others from online scams. We discussed what a scam is and what you should do if you think you are being scammed.