Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners this week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!


We held our first meeting of the year today and discussed what we wanted to improve about our school, how we could raise money for resources that we would like and which charity we wanted to support.  We chose the RNLI because a local company (Clayton Engineering), where some of our parents work, make the lifeboats that are then sent out and used all over the UK by the RNLI volunteers to rescue people.

We also voted for our new Chair and Vice Chair of School Council:-

Annie, supported by George, will take the position of Chair

Honey, supported by Frankie, will take the position of Vice Chair

Well done everyone for a very productive meeting!  Our first event will be next Friday 27th September when we will be hosting a cake sale at break time to raise money for the RNLI!

Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners this week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!

Fun Day/Dydd Hwyl!

Thank you to our Friends of the School for an exciting morning. We loved the bouncy castles and the water play! Diolch!


As part of the museum’s guide book in our Mantle of the Expert, we were challenged to create simple algorithms to guide Beebots around the tomb of Tutankhamun.

'A Glint of Gold'

We are so proud of our budding young performers and how they were able to convey all of their knowledge of the ancient Egyptian Gods, Kings and way of live to the stage in their recent production of ‘A Glint of Gold’. The play is about the dramatic discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.