
Some of our pupils have been working on Celf a Chrefft entries for the Urdd Eisteddfod. Cutting, plaiting, threading and sewing skills have all been developed.

A place of Sanctuary

During Assembly on Monday we celebrated being appraised as a School of Sanctuary. Members of the appraisal team commented “It was such a pleasure to spend time with your pupils and hear about their learning. They are an absolute credit to you and clearly demonstrate what a warm and welcoming place Knighton School is”. They also added “Pupil voice in school is clearly very well embedded through your variety of councils and they feel empowered to make changes.” We are all very proud.

Story Telling with Sharon

We have been working with Sharon to create a story about the ‘Goodlands’ and ‘Badlands’. We have started by looking at the structure of a story and then in groups we created our own settings for our stories. We also acted out what it would be like to live in our ‘Goodlands’.

Recount writing!

Barcud Coch have been working hard on a Friday afternoon to complete an extended write! Last week they completed a cold write (no help at all) to recount an investigation they carried out. We then studied recount texts and looked for the features they need. Following on from this, we looked at specific sentence structures and time connective we could use to develop our writing!

ALN Drop In Sessions

Online ALN Parent/Carer Drop In โ€“ 5th Septemberโ€™ 24

The Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and Inclusion Team are running Parent/Carer Drop Ins on the first Thursday of every Half Term.

These will be run by members of the Early Years and Schools ALN Teams and representatives from Powys Teaching Health Board (PTHB).

This will be an opportunity for you to discuss any ALN questions you may have and meet the team.

The next sessions will take place on Thursday 5th September 12-1 pm and 5-6 pm.

Please click the link below to access the sessions.

12-1 Join the meeting now

5-6 Join the meeting now

Bake Off!

Barcud Coch decided they wanted to spend their end-of-term treat money on ingredients for a Bake Off. We went shopping on Monday for the ingredients of 6 different bakes, on Wednesday pupils worked independently in their groups to bake and on Friday they were sampled and enjoyed with a film!
Which do you think looked best?

The most popular were the brownies, cheesecake and cookies!!! Roedd y cacennau yn flasus iawn!

Soil Formation

The children have been busy investigating soil formation. Here are some pictures of them making their own compost bins.

Cogurdd 2023

Urdd members in year 5/6 were given the opportunity to compete in the school round of this years Cogurdd competition, with the task being to create a salad of their choice in 45 minutes. 14 members participated this year and all really enjoyed the challenge of making their own salads using many different skills in the process. Mrs. Layton had the difficult task of blind judging the top 3, with the winner going through to represent Knighton at the regional round. Llongyfarchiadau/Congratulations to Beatrice Cadwallader on winning the school round!