We have been using the Bluebots to direct around the maps and along the story of Whatever Next. We discussed the steps needed to get to the next picture of the story and programmed the Bluebot to do this. Great team work by all children.

Knighton Church in Wales Primary School
Caru Duw, Caru Pawb, Caru Dysgu
We have been using our knowledge learned so far about Space to make Rocket Mice. We found out that if we ‘hit, squeeze, push’ the carton harder, then the mice will travel further because of the air from the carton. The mice fly up and then gravity brought them back down. We measured the distance using metre rulers and lego blocks. We discussed the distance travelled and compared whose mice travelled the furthest.
Children in Year One have been creating sentences about their families. They used their knowledge of Welsh phonics (Tric a Chlic) to read the captions to place in the correct order to ensure the sentence made sense.
Reception children have been practising their oracy and painting skills to paint their families. They all confidently named the people in their families; mam – mum, tad/dad – dad, chwaer – sister, brawd – brother.
The children are very enthused about our new ‘spark’ for this term; Space! We received a video from astronaut Dai Davies who needs us to do research into Space and the Solar System to help him on his mission. We have started to look at the Solar System and the order in which the planets are from the Sun. This week we have started to make our very own Solar System using balloons and paper mache. The children can not wait to paint their planets next week!