Cinema trip

Everyone had a fantastic time today watching ‘Little Bear’s Big Trip’ at the cinema today!

Walk to Ffryd Woods

We really enjoyed our walk to Ffryd Woods. We looked at all of the different trees and plants and talked about the animals that might live in the woods.

Easter Bonnets

We loved wearing our Easter bonnets and enjoyed going on a parade around the school for children in other classes to see.

Visit from the Animal Man

We had a fantastic time this morning looking at all of the different animals that the Animal Man brought in. He showed us a chinchilla, cockroaches, spiders, snakes, a scorpion, a bearded dragon and a chameleon.

Cnoc-y-coed Year 4 Mrs Watts class (Friday)

Hope you are all enjoying some time in the snow! Here is some work for today:

Follow this link to some Maths work linked to writing numbers in words.

Write about something you have been doing in the snow, using Word on HWB and share the document with me.

Make sure you do some reading and record that in your reading record.

Today we would normally have Amser Arian so do something you are allowed to do and that you will enjoy. You could always send me a photo of this through your HWB email.

Have fun and take care.

RE with Mr Meredith

On Thursday we had a visit from Mr Meredith. He shared a religious story with us called ‘Peter and the Fish’. We all drew a fish to go in to Peter’s net and looked at a painting which linked with the story. Thank you Mr Meredith!