Which type of structure? Pa fath o structure?

We’re almost ready to design our skyscrapers but first we need to know what types of structures there are. They’re all quite wordy and full of technical descriptions so we’ve had a go at building little models that represent the different types of structures, for example; braced frame, rigid frame, wall-frame, shear wall, core and outrigger, infilled frame, flat plate & flat slab, tube and coupled.

Children in Need

Today our School Council decided we would celebrate Children in Need. Pupils and staff made donations to wear non-uniform.

Recount writing!

Barcud Coch have been working hard on a Friday afternoon to complete an extended write! Last week they completed a cold write (no help at all) to recount an investigation they carried out. We then studied recount texts and looked for the features they need. Following on from this, we looked at specific sentence structures and time connective we could use to develop our writing!

Earthquake simulator

We wanted to establish which shape base was the strongest for skyscrapers. We decided to build models of skyscrapers using LEGO and K’nex and then use LEGO We Do to create an earthquake simulator. We placed the models on the simulator to test how robust they were. Unfortunately the models were either too heavy for the simulator to move or too tall to stand upright on the simulator! We tried it on the table and carpet in the hope that the amount of friction would help, it didn’t. One of our class members thought to attach a LEGO plate as a base for the models to stand on, this didn’t work either!

Pa fath o berson ydych chi?

What kind of person are you? What about your friend?
Caredig-kind. Siaradus-chatty.

Mae hi’n berson caredig. Dydy hi ddim yn berson siaradus.

PobUrdd a CogUrdd

Today some of our Urdd members took part in a cooking and baking competition! The smells were mouth-watering and their skills really impressed us! Da iawn chi!


Now that the skyscrapers have been built and organised appropriately, we have been practising the drones and taking a tour around the world. Some skyscrapers have been knocked down in the process, and drones have become stuck in many places!
We are looking forward to working with other schools in the cluster to help them better understand how to use drones, and we are looking forward to being shown how to use other digital kits.