Celebrating Sukkot

The children have been investigating the Jewish  festival of Sukkot.  As part of the festival they found out that as part of the celebration Jewish people build sukkahs or temporary shelters.  Here are some of the sukkahs that the children made using a variety of resources.

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Performing songs and rhyme

The children have been busy in their mantle groups performing a range of Jack and the beanstalk themed songs and rhymes.

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Paul Klee Artwork

Children have enjoyed looking at the work of

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artist Paul Klee.  They used their Welsh language skills to describe the colours and shapes they used in their own interpretations of ‘Castles in the Sun’

Literacy Enrichment Day

The children enjoyed a variety of activities to support them in learning their spellings.

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Foundation Phase Blended Learning

Foundation Phase

If you are unable to come to school for COVID-related reasons, please complete this work and email it to us.

Mrs Evans Hwyaid Bach


Mrs Blower Eryr


Mrs Fielding Gwennol


This work can also be completed if our class bubble has to be closed. More work will be posted within 72 hours of the closure.

Mathematics and Numeracy

  • Collect a range of different sized sticks in your garden.  Can you measure them in standard units such as centimetres? Can you measure them in non-standard units i.e using pieces of pasta to measure?
  • Can you draw around your hand? Pretend it’s the giant’s hand.  Estimate how many kidney beans the giant could fit on his hand?
  • Can you log on to TTRockstars and practise your times tables?
  • Can you practice writing your number formation 1-20?
  • Can you learn your number bonds to 10? I.e. 0+10=10, 1+9=10, 2+8=10, 3+7=10, 4+6=10, 5+5=10, 6+4=10 etc.

Language, Literacy and Communication

  • Write a diary – think about what it may be like to be a giant for the day.  What would you do? Who do you live with? How might being a giant be different to being a child?
  • Draw a picture of Jack and colour it in neatly.  Think of as many different adjectives (describing words) as you can to describe Jack and write them down.  Can you do the same for the giant? How are they similar and how are they different?
  • Questionnaire – Think of questions that you would like to ask the giant if you were to meet him.  Write each of your questions down or maybe an adult could scribe them for you.  Don’t forget to use a capital letter to start your question and a question mark.


  • Create a map of Jack’s village, where the house was, the market and the beanstalk.
  • Could you also create a map for the land of the giant and include your own key features.

Expressive Arts

  • Create  your own beanstalk.  It could be a painting, a collage or even a model.  Be as creative as you can!

Health and Well-being

  • Play a board game with a member of your family.  Maybe you could create your own game?


End of Year Party!

Well, what can I say? The children certainly did come with a smile to our end of term party.  The chose to play sports, build dens, make campsites or to just simply chill in the sun!

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Sports Day 2021!

Well done to all the children who took part in todays Sports Day.  You all tried your best and we are very proud of you all!

Thank you also to the friends of school for the delicious ice cream.

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Tric a Chlic

Year 2 children enjoying their Tric a Chlic reading.

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Leaf Classification

We spent the afternoon outdoor learning.  We went for a walk and in our groups we carefully picked a selection of interesting leaves.  We used our classification sheet to identify the leaves.

When we came back inside, we created some beautiful pieces of artwork by painting our leaves and printing with them.

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Foundation Phase

If you are unable to come to school due to COVID 19 please complete some of these activities and email work to your child’s class teacher.

  • Can you write a similar story about a ‘very hungry’ animal? What happens to it?
  • Retell the story from the point of view of the caterpillar. Why was it so hungry? How did it feel after eating so much?
  • Can you use alliteration to describe some of the food that are eaten? (e.g. lovely lollipops, scrumptious strawberries).
  • Read the story and try to retell it to a friend. Can you remember all of the food that was eaten, in the correct order?
  • Use Venn / Carroll diagrams to sort the foods that the caterpillar eats.
  • Count the total number of foods that were eaten by the caterpillar. How many of these were fruit / vegetable / contained meat etc?
  • Sort the foods that the caterpillar eats, in different ways. Which ones are healthy / unhealthy? Which are processed / unprocessed?
  • Think of a healthy / unhealthy meal for another hungry caterpillar.
  • Find out about the life cycles of caterpillars / butterflies. Find out about the life cycles of other animals.
  • Learn about metamorphosis. Find out about other animals who undergo metamorphosis.
  • Create a collage of a big, fat caterpillar!
  • Create another collage showing the beautiful butterfly.
  • Look at photographs of butterflies and paint your own. You could try folding a piece of paper in half and painting one half of a butterfly on one side. Then fold the paper over, press it down and open it out to reveal the full butterfly.
  • Welsh Language – Can you play the attached game? Activity 2(i) Dice game

Many thanks