Health and Wellbeing-Feeling Proud

In Jigsaw today Year One discussed what makes us happy in our learning. We thought about what it means to feel proud and Mrs Blower gave us a special ticket, with one reason for feeling proud of us. It made us feel happy!

E-Safety Council 2024/25

This morning we held our first E-Safety council meeting of the year. We checked that classes had signed and displayed their Acceptable Use Agreements and we discussed apps that children use. We had a quiz on the age restrictions of apps that children use outside of school.

Hand Puppets\Pypedau LLaw

Following the story of Pinocchio, we have started to investigate puppets. The children made a puppet of themselves. Some chose to make stick puppets, some hand puppets and some finger puppets.

Fun Day/Dydd Hwyl!

Thank you to our Friends of the School for an exciting morning. We loved the bouncy castles and the water play! Diolch!

The Small Breeds Farm Visit

Today we had a wonderful time on our trip to the Small Breeds Farm. We stroked an owl, fed the sheep and goats and met animals that some of us hadn’t seen before. A great day had by all!