Dathliad Dydd Gwyl Dewi at the Knighton Community Centre!

A big DIOLCH YN FAWR to the children who performed at Dathliad Dydd Gwyl Dewi at the Knighton Community Centre on Sunday 2nd of March 2025!

Canu a dawnsio bedigedig, plant! Super singing and dancing, children.

You all looked as if you enjoyed performing! Thank you to the parents for dressing the children in their very smart Welsh outfits.


Christmas Fayre 2024

The children thoroughly enjoyed designing and making a variety of items to sell at our Christmas Fayre this year. They carefully sourced materials and looked at profit margins to make sure that they did not make a loss! The Fayre was supported brilliantly by families and our community and we managed to make £953.20. Bendigedig pawb! What a fantastic event!

Father Christmas paid a visit and was very impressed with his ‘Narnia’ grotto, through the wardrobe!

Big Questions with Mr Meredith (Diocesan Director of Education) RVE 07/11/24

We worked with Mr Meredith, looking at a piece of art work by Romola Parish, called ‘Wilderness’

We discussed how the image made us feel and then tried to answer the following questions:-

Where are you standing in relation to the picture? Are you in it, or an observer, watching what is going on?

Which do you relate to- the bird or the sheep? Can you think why you feel more like one, or less like the other?


We held our first meeting of the year today and discussed what we wanted to improve about our school, how we could raise money for resources that we would like and which charity we wanted to support.  We chose the RNLI because a local company (Clayton Engineering), where some of our parents work, make the lifeboats that are then sent out and used all over the UK by the RNLI volunteers to rescue people.

We also voted for our new Chair and Vice Chair of School Council:-

Annie, supported by George, will take the position of Chair

Honey, supported by Frankie, will take the position of Vice Chair

Well done everyone for a very productive meeting!  Our first event will be next Friday 27th September when we will be hosting a cake sale at break time to raise money for the RNLI!